Krystian Żygadło, PhD

Patent attorney, PhD in chemistry
He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Wroclaw, with a specialization in physical chemistry. He wrote his PhD dissertation in the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Wroclaw and he earned a PhD degree in chemistry with a specialization in physical and theoretical chemistry. He is a co-author of eight scientific articles in English connected with liquid crystals. Before joining WTS Patent Attorneys Law Office, he worked for over four years in Wroclaw Research Center EIT+, where he dealt with planning patent protection strategies, managing intellectual property, education of employees on industrial property law and searching for and initiating new research directions.
In WTS Patent Attorneys Law Office he specializes in conducting patent searches and preparation of patent applications from the area of chemistry, mechanics, nanotechnology and electronics.
He speaks English and has a basic knowledge of German.