The suspension of time limits with regard to the pandemic of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

We are paying close attention to the ongoing legislative procedure in the Polish Sejm concerning the package of legal acts related to combatting the coronavirus SARS-Co-V-2 pandemic.

The matter that is of a particular interest to us pertains to the proposed solutions regarding the running of time limits.

This problem is addressed by Government’s draft bill of the act amending the act on special solutions concerning preventing, countering and combatting COVID-19, other contagious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, and several other acts. 

According to Article 15 zrr of the draft bill, while a state of a risk of epidemic or a state of epidemic is in force, the running of the enumeratively listed time limits that are provided for by the regulations of civil and administrative law does not begin, and if it has begun, it shall be suspended.

This provision is applicable, i.a., to time limits that must be observed in order to obtain the legal protection before the courts or other bodies; time limits for actions of a given party that create their rights or obligations, or rights and obligations of other parties in a legal relation. Other suspended time limits include the peremptory dates of such a kind that in a case of party’s a failure to observe them, he or she suffers negative consequences.

At this moment the project has undergone two readings and has immediately been forwarded to the third reading before the Polish Sejm. We will inform you once the changes are officially adopted.