
The Polish translation of the patent description may be used when registering a unitary effect
In one of our previous texts (see here) we have described in detail the procedure specific to the registration of a unitary patent. It should be recalled that European patents granted after June 1 may benefit from unitary effect, with some minor exceptions provided for during the transitional period. An application for unitary patent must, in principle, be filed within one month of the...

The launch of the Unified Patent Court
On June 1, 2023, the Unified Patent Court (UPC) launched. This is undoubtedly an important date for the protection of intellectual property in the countries of the European Union participating in the system - and not only. The UPC will have exclusive competence in the participating Member States in respect of actions for infringements and revocation of European...

Is the unitary patent cost-effective?
At the beginning of June 2023, a new patent protection system will launch in the European Union. Persons filing applications with the European Patent Office (EPO) will be able to apply for patents with unitary effect — i.e., providing uniform protection and having the same effect in all participating Member States (there are 17 of them as of this moment). We have already written quite a...

Unified Patent Court: an opt-out
In 2023, we will witness a major transformation in the landscape of industrial property protection in the European Union. The work relating to the launch of the unitary patent system is entering its final stage. As soon as on 1 April 2023 the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is supposed to become operative. The European Patent Office (EPO) indicates at its website 1 June as the date of the official...

Unified Patent Court: Representation of Parties to Proceedings Before the Unified Patent Court
The launch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is quickly approaching. With 24 EU Member States within its jurisdiction, it will be exclusively competent in matters relating to validity and infringements of the European patents with unitary effects, European patents and supplementary protection certificates granted for inventions protected by such patents. We have previously indicated in our...

The Unified Patent Court: Protective Letter
The preparations for the launch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) are currently in progress. An international court that would be exclusively competent in matters of validity and infringements of unitary patents as well as European patents granted by the EPO, will start functioning in late 2022 or early 2023. The emergence of the UPC will dramatically change the landscape of industrial property...